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Love this map, but after buying Nexat equipment the map won't load anymore.
Any ideas how to fix this issue?

Very cool map. I love how its set up right off the bat. I added a couple more sheds to the south of the large shop and its a perfect farm :D

(1 edit)

I wanted to see what RL farms in Missouri farmed, and according to Animals make up a significant portion of the output, and yet there are no sell points for Animal related products without adding a custom Sell Everything. Can you look at adjusting this in the next update please?

I think this map's main purpose is to simulate big fields of corn and soybean production as that is common to the region, everything else is kind of secondary, there is plenty of room to add your own. If you take a look at Phelps City Mo on a Sat map you can find the exact area where the farm is located and you can see that there are no stockyards, dairy or any other productions in the vicinity.

Best map I've played on in a long time, really captures the feel of the area, love it! Hope to see an update soon to finish the train yard and hopefully add a bit of deco around the map.

I can load the map on a multiplayer dedicated server, but i can't use propane at all. can't load it in a trailer or anything. Am i the only one


I love the map. However, it is missing sell points (Omaha) and has buried trees that cannot be removed.  I hope an update is coming that will fix the sell point issue.

Loving the map, but how do you use the train? The Store lane in the Viterra is blocked, and coming in from the back doesn't show the tip trigger. I can only seem to sell

Great map! Thanks!


I tried to put it on server but the propane mod is not multiplayer supported. so map will not load.

I run this map on a dedicated server and it loads fine even with the errors.

i tried it on gportal but when I put it on there it say's no multiplayer support and puts it in all red stating it is corrupted, but I know its not. I can play just fine single player.

I'm also using G-Portal

Favorite map on 22 very happy you brought it over thanks 


Question: The, is the correct version linked? Or was the version number not updated in the modDesc.xml?  Still shows as ver . Thanks!

lime not working on any fields..... hopefully an update soon

works fine for me,

Just a small issue that only noticed since my friend likes to do forestry.  It seems like the target for the chainsaw or any other implement to cut down the tree do not line up making it difficult to work with trees. 

Cant save game. Redownloaded after update and still wont save.

Love the map, just asking if it is possible to remove trees just south of starting farm to place animal buildings if wanting to have cows, sheep, chickens. I have tried loading in with just required mods and tried removing trees and unable to do so and have tried using stump grinders. Can use fields for animal pens but would really love to avoid that option if all possible. Amazing map, love playing on it and thank you for all your hard work and time making this for all of us to enjoy. 

What would cause my corn stubble to look like white crystals?

you don't have the current version. that was fixed.

I realized that right whn i posted. Downloaded new version. Thanks bud, great map.

great map 2 questions....
1. Dry corn for the price doesnt seem worth it when cost of propane and cost of drying Dry corn sells for far less than Corn itself?

2.  field 9 doesnt have a worker grid for driving(sorry dont know how to word this)

otherwise LOVE THE MAP keep up the great work!

I have not played on this map yet, but every mod and map that has Dry Corn as fill type, it has never been cost effective, not sure why no one in mod groups ever gets this right, there is never enough profit to cover your cost or trouble.

couldn't seem to get lime registered as applied in the field. 


is it a grass field?

no it was field 17 and 18.  both corn at 5/7 growth stage.  i  am using the same spreaders that i spread solid fertilizer with on contracts and other fields and has worked fine for that.  

Make sure you lime before you mulch

(1 edit) (+1)

same problem here, limed field 15 and didn't register...., it was a corn field that I owned when started the game, harvested the corn and did mulch and then lime.

You need to Lime before you mulch, otherwise it doesn't take


I cant open the shop/shed doors. 


Enjoy the ride, all comments to the YouTube channel please, so the team can read them besides me :)

Fantastic work! 

how do I use anhydrous? I am able to transport it, but when I use it in a sprayer, it is not giving the field a fertilized status, and, the consumption rate is drastic.

I know that a tool bar and pull behind tank is needed for realism, but untill that exist,  how can we make the sprayers work, giving the field a fertilized status, and not having a high consumption rate?

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