1st, the green combines at the dealership in the cab is textures 256 errors ;) 2nd, Add option for start from scratch no buildings/ vehicles on the starting farm please.
When using a combine to harvest Corn, there is a just a white ground texture left behind, it does not do this when using a forage harvester, otherwise love the map
just a quick question but i noticed the track track starting to go into the vitara elevator then stops after bout 30 yards worth of track and stops but there is a train sell point there. Was this intentional? just curious and nothing more.
so not to be picky but if i pay for a map or an item to be downloaded if i dont like it do i get my money back i see a lot of maps and down load them to try them out and delete most of them because i am really picky what i want if i go and buy a pair a tennis shoes and dont like them i can get my money back so if i pay for this map and dont like do i get a refund on it?
You still didnt answer my question do u want me to take pictures of deleting it to show that i did to prove it to you if i do i installed 8 maps last night to try out deleted all of them but 2
its not my call, not my map. Thought post was kinda odd. Plus, map is free. Donate if you want to. I've never seen a refund request for a free map, and if your requesting a refund for a donation you made, thats ok I guess. You do you.
Dang errors. I know it's a Giants thing and Thundr is trying to figure it out, but it's already happened to me twice on 3+ hour saves. About to restart for the third time. Only other map I have gotten that on is Ray County.
2025-02-27 19:21 Info: Failed to request rc, HTTP code 0
Nobody knows yet, but it shows up on a lot of mod maps. It's what causes it to get to 89% and then stop loading. I was having the same issue on Ray County by No Creek and in his Discord someone said Thundr is working on figuring out what script is causing it. I have now lost three save games in two days on this map.
when I get off work I’ll fix the corn texture issue. Just a simple file path problem for the maize i3d in the foliage folder. My apologies, but it’ll be fixed soon. It’ll be updated by 6 pm central time.
so I guess it's something I'm doing wrong, but the sheds aren't showing up when I load in? I have downloaded the 4 additional mods as well as the unzip. I cannot see any issues in my log either so must be something simple!
Hi looking forward to play this fine map and in 4x super nice, started playing and looked att the price of corn and dry corn exatly the same is it just me or?
Put a few hours on this map in 22 but mostly I played on medicine creek for a Missouri map looking forward to a good 4x for 25 cause all that's out now is 1x's.
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any chance your gonna add fields to your autodrive or just me and if need help i can try my hand at it
AutoDrive Guy did a full AD course for this map
can u send link cause im finding for 22 but puts way up in air thanks
Propane will not fill into the modded trailer. Anyone else run into this?
I managed to haul it in the modded MKS 32
Thank you for your hard work on this stunning map! I'm getting these log errors:
2025-03-03 14:03 Error: Missing dds file 'C:/Users/katherine/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_MRB/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/MaizeNEW/maizeStage07LOD1_diffuse.dds'
2025-03-03 14:03 Error: Missing dds file 'C:/Users/katherine/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_MRB/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/MaizeNEW/maizeStage07LOD1_diffuse.dds'
2025-03-03 14:03 Error: Missing dds file 'C:/Users/katherine/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_MRB/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/MaizeNEW/maizeStage07LOD1_diffuse.dds'
2025-03-03 14:03 Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/katherine/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_MRB/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/MaizeNEW/maizeStage07LOD1_diffuse.dds'.
2025-03-03 14:03 Error: Missing dds file 'C:/Users/katherine/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_MRB/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/MaizeNEW/maizeStage07LOD1_alpha.dds'
2025-03-03 14:03 Error: Missing dds file 'C:/Users/katherine/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_MRB/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/MaizeNEW/maizeStage07LOD1_alpha.dds'
2025-03-03 14:03 Error: Missing dds file 'C:/Users/katherine/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_MRB/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/MaizeNEW/maizeStage07LOD1_alpha.dds'
2025-03-03 14:03 Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/katherine/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_MRB/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/MaizeNEW/maizeStage07LOD1_alpha.dds'.
2025-03-03 14:03 Error: Missing dds file 'C:/Users/katherine/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_MRB/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/MaizeNEW/maizeStage06_diffuse.dds'
2025-03-03 14:03 Error: Missing dds file 'C:/Users/katherine/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_MRB/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/MaizeNEW/maizeStage06_diffuse.dds'
2025-03-03 14:03 Error: Missing dds file 'C:/Users/katherine/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_MRB/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/MaizeNEW/maizeStage06_diffuse.dds'
2025-03-03 14:03 Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/katherine/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_MRB/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/MaizeNEW/maizeStage06_diffuse.dds'.
2025-03-03 14:03 Error: Missing dds file 'C:/Users/katherine/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_MRB/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/MaizeNEW/maizeStage06_fmask.dds'
2025-03-03 14:03 Error: Missing dds file 'C:/Users/katherine/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_MRB/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/MaizeNEW/maizeStage06_fmask.dds'
2025-03-03 14:03 Error: Missing dds file 'C:/Users/katherine/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_MRB/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/MaizeNEW/maizeStage06_fmask.dds'
2025-03-03 14:03 Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/katherine/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_MRB/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/MaizeNEW/maizeStage06_fmask.dds'.
2025-03-03 14:03 Error: Missing dds file 'C:/Users/katherine/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_MRB/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/MaizeNEW/maizeStage06_alpha.dds'
2025-03-03 14:03 Error: Missing dds file 'C:/Users/katherine/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_MRB/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/MaizeNEW/maizeStage06_alpha.dds'
2025-03-03 14:03 Error: Missing dds file 'C:/Users/katherine/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_MRB/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/MaizeNEW/maizeStage06_alpha.dds'
2025-03-03 14:03 Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/katherine/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2025/mods/FS25_MRB/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/MaizeNEW/maizeStage06_alpha.dds'.
the map has been updated. Redownload the map.
Will do, thank you
I cant get the propane trailers that are edited for the map
anyone help for some reason when i try save says wasnt able to only happens with this map?
That would be a mod conflict.... I had this before w/ the powertools mod.... got rid of it and could save no matter the map (base game or downloaded).
Does anyone else have ***Load Area Missing*** with numbers in front on the hud?
I do also, have no idea what it's from. I think I downloaded all relevant other mods.
I have the same issue too
Thats from universal autoload i believe
1st, the green combines at the dealership in the cab is textures 256 errors ;)
2nd, Add option for start from scratch no buildings/ vehicles on the starting farm please.
When using a combine to harvest Corn, there is a just a white ground texture left behind, it does not do this when using a forage harvester, otherwise love the map
There is no difference in prices between corn and dry corn.
I adjusted the dry corn price. Didn't jack it up too high, but that's what I did. You can do this in the maps_fillTypes.xml.
I know but not everyone likes to edit in the xml, But thx anyway.
no problem man just thought id share it with ya incase ya did
I edit it. 0.565 is good enough.
Great map, but it seems like the sleep trigger dosen't work
move around the bed it will work....
just a quick question but i noticed the track track starting to go into the vitara elevator then stops after bout 30 yards worth of track and stops but there is a train sell point there. Was this intentional? just curious and nothing more.
so not to be picky but if i pay for a map or an item to be downloaded if i dont like it do i get my money back i see a lot of maps and down load them to try them out and delete most of them because i am really picky what i want if i go and buy a pair a tennis shoes and dont like them i can get my money back so if i pay for this map and dont like do i get a refund on it?
not to be picky, but if you return shoes, they keep the shoes. You dont leave with them and money back. Who knows if you really “deleted” the map.
You still didnt answer my question do u want me to take pictures of deleting it to show that i did to prove it to you if i do i installed 8 maps last night to try out deleted all of them but 2
its not my call, not my map. Thought post was kinda odd. Plus, map is free. Donate if you want to. I've never seen a refund request for a free map, and if your requesting a refund for a donation you made, thats ok I guess. You do you.
Try the map out if you like it come back and donate. The donate part isn't required to download
Epic job, thank you for all that work you do!
animals dont show up in any pens, they're there just not visible, deleted the barn and replaced it and it worked fine.
having issue with weeds looking like white pieces of paper. Turning weeds off doesnt seem to help.
Dang errors. I know it's a Giants thing and Thundr is trying to figure it out, but it's already happened to me twice on 3+ hour saves. About to restart for the third time. Only other map I have gotten that on is Ray County.
2025-02-27 19:21 Info: Failed to request rc, HTTP code 0
what error is that from?
Nobody knows yet, but it shows up on a lot of mod maps. It's what causes it to get to 89% and then stop loading. I was having the same issue on Ray County by No Creek and in his Discord someone said Thundr is working on figuring out what script is causing it. I have now lost three save games in two days on this map.
when I get off work I’ll fix the corn texture issue. Just a simple file path problem for the maize i3d in the foliage folder. My apologies, but it’ll be fixed soon. It’ll be updated by 6 pm central time.
Dude, you got nothing to apologise for, the map is awesome.
is that a new save issue?
so I guess it's something I'm doing wrong, but the sheds aren't showing up when I load in? I
have downloaded the 4 additional mods as well as the unzip. I cannot see any issues in my log either so must be something simple!
You havent downloaded the 3 star shed, the midwest cold storage and the house, get them and you'll be golden
for some odd reason this map is the only one that is crashing the game completely. not sure if im doing something wrong or what
I just had it crash. just driving along and it freezes then I have to force close it.
mine happened right on load in, i thought it was my computer but it runs other maps fine, so im lost lol
I'm having the same issue with the load stopping at 100%. I saw some errors in the log as it scrolled, but not sure what to make of it.
UPDATE - I redownloaded the mod zip file pack again, and was able to load in.
thanks joker ill try that
update that didnt work lol gets to 100% and closes game out
Well I did also disable the univeral autoload mod too after spotting errors from it in the console. Guess I should have mentioned that too :(
i only had the mods from the unzip here, so not sure i just got home from work and going to see
Hey I checked my map and didnt have any issues but when combining corn I get the weird white texture behind the starting combine
same here just when doing corn.but i love the map
he forgot to texturize the corn trash
Hi looking forward to play this fine map and in 4x super nice, started playing and looked att the price of corn and dry corn exatly the same is it just me or?
Is there any other way to donate besides pay pal?
When i harvest the corn the corn stubble goes white was just wandering why this is happening
same is happening for me as wel
Same here, its like a texture is missing
awesome as always
it said come here to download where is it
cannot wait, this map looks great!
beautiful, can't wait!
Looks awesome!
Put a few hours on this map in 22 but mostly I played on medicine creek for a Missouri map looking forward to a good 4x for 25 cause all that's out now is 1x's.
patiently waiting over here, I have still been playing fs22 version, you and Delta south modding are my faves
Its close, really close -The Farm Sim Guy will be putting out a preview sometime soon. Getting ready to send him a copy of the map.
Heck ya, I loved this map in 22, and cant wait to see it in 25..
Any estimated release date?
looks great where do i donate?
I got the email update about this post, but I guess this is just a placeholder if you're still developing
Cannot wait to play on this map
How long until you upload?
Cannot wait to play on this map! The was one of my favorites on 22